taiwan FCC
TFCC Membership
Activities we regular organize for our members include monthly happy hours, briefings with government officials and newsmakers, field trips, panel discussions, and others. While we strive to open events to all members, some may be limited to correspondent members only. The rates listed below are effective as of September 27, 2024.
Members also have discounted rates at events we charge for.
Correspondent Member*
Annual fee: NT$6,500
One-time registration fee: NT$3,500
An active and currently employed person, whether staff or freelance, representing mass media with its headquarters outside Taiwan, with the coverage of current events intended for foreign audiences, this also includes those covering the region at large.
Correspondent Membership for Three or More Representatives
Annual fee: NT$19,500 (3 x NT$6,500)
One-time registration fee: NT$10,500
Rotational Participation:
For a single extra fee of NT$5,000 per year, per organization, your company can nominate up to three representatives who will hold voting rights at Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs). For other events, any three members from your organization may attend, with the flexibility to vary participants each time.
Associate Member
Annual fee: NT$6,500
One-time registration fee: $3,500
Non-journalists from the public or private sectors with an interest in the press and in public and current affairs.
Corporate, NGO or Government Member
Annual fee: NT$20,000
One-time registration fee: NT$6,000
Taiwanese government ministries/departments/
Temporary or Overseas Member
Monthly membership fee: NT$2,000
Registration fee: NT$0
Those whose principal residence is outside Taiwan but residing in Taiwan for periods of three consecutive months or less, each stay. No voting rights.
Student Member
Annual fee: NT$2,500
One-time registration fee: NT$1,500
Degree or diploma progressing student at an accredited college, technical school, or university in Taiwan, not otherwise fully employed, or in a post-graduate program. No voting rights.
Correspondent Member Spouse/Partner
Annual fee: NT$2,500
Registration fee: NT$0
For spouses/partners of Correspondent Members only. No voting rights.
*Note, as a rule of thumb, the club defines Correspondent Members as those who have official accreditation as foreign correspondents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROC.
If you are interested in joining the club, please e-mail the Taiwan FCC committee: membership[at]taiwanfcc.org