Here is your chance to get involved with the TFCC!

We will hold our Annual General Meeting on Thursday April 19th, during which we will hold elections for your next TFCC Steering Committee, as well as provide a review of the past year and our current membership and treasury situation. We will send an update shortly with the AGM location and time, but please save the date.

2018 TFCC members can be nominated for the following positions:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Treasurer
4. Membership Chair
5. Activities Chair

The first three positions must be voted for and filled by Correspondent members, while the the last two positions are open to Correspondent and Associate members, and all members can vote.

Each candidate will need to have a nominator and a seconder, both of whom have to be current members.

Nominations can be made at the meeting, but any written nominations must be sent to the Returning Officer Jane Rickards at in advance of the AGM. The nominator and seconder must indicate if the candidate nominated has agreed to stand.

If you have any questions at all about the positions, don’t hesitate to write to us at and committee members would be more than happy to provide more information.